Weekend Watch: "The Seven Kings Must Die" Brings Epic Conclusion to "The Last Kingdom" Story

The movie "The seven kings must die" is a historical drama film that concludes the story of The Last Kingdom, a popular TV series based on the novels by Bernard Cornwell. The film follows Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a Saxon warrior who fights for the unification of England under King Aethelstan. The film features a climactic battle at Brunanburh, where Aethelstan faces off against a coalition of rival kings from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.

The Seven Kings Must Die on Netflix 14-April-2023

The film was directed by Edward Bazalgette, who also directed several episodes of the TV series. The screenplay was written by Martha Hillier, who was one of the main writers of the show. The film was produced by Carnival Film & Television, the same company that produced the TV series and other acclaimed historical dramas such as Downton Abbey and The Crown.

The film was shot in Hungary, where most of the TV series was also filmed. The production used authentic locations and sets to recreate the 10th century England and its neighboring lands. The film also employed extensive visual effects to enhance the realism and scale of the battle scenes. The film's cinematographer was Chas Bain, who also worked on the TV series and other historical films such as Outlaw King and Mary Queen of Scots.

The film's cast consisted mostly of actors who reprised their roles from the TV series. Alexander Dreymon returned as Uhtred, the protagonist and narrator of the story. Mark Rowley played Finan, Uhtred's loyal friend and companion. Elaine Cassidy portrayed Queen Eadgifu, Aethelstan's wife and ally. Harry Gilby played Aethelstan, the young king who inherits his father's vision of a united England. Laurie Davidson played Ingilmundr, a mysterious Norseman who becomes Aethelstan's lover and confidant.

The Seven Kings Must Die Movie on Netflix 14-April-2023

The film also introduced some new characters and actors to the story. Rod Hallett played Constantin, the king of Scotland who leads the coalition against Aethelstan. James Northcote played Aldhelm, a scheming nobleman who plots against Uhtred. Ingrid García Jonsson played Stiorra, Uhtred's daughter who joins him in his quest. Zak Sutcliffe played Edmund, Aethelstan's half-brother who rebels against him.

The film's music was composed by John Lunn, who also composed the music for the TV series and other historical dramas such as The White Queen and Belgravia. The film's soundtrack featured original songs and themes that blended medieval instruments and vocals with modern orchestration and electronic elements. The film's main theme song was "Seven Kings Must Die", performed by Mabel, a British singer-songwriter who also appeared in a cameo role in the film.

The film was released on Netflix on April 14th, 2023. It received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, who praised its faithful adaptation of Cornwell's novels, its epic action sequences, its compelling characters and performances, and its satisfying conclusion to The Last Kingdom saga. The film was also a commercial success, becoming one of Netflix's most-watched original films of 2023.

"The Seven Kings Must Die" is a must-watch movie this weekend for those who enjoy historic dramas with epic battles and unforgettable characters. It brings the captivating story of "The Last Kingdom" to a satisfying conclusion, with the skilled portrayal of Uhtred's unwavering determination to fight for his people and a unified England. The climactic battle at Brunanburh is an intense, emotionally charged experience that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. So, get ready to indulge in a weekend of captivating storytelling and entertainment with "The Seven Kings Must Die". It is the perfect way to keep yourself happy, engaged, and entertained this weekend.

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