Twitter Lowers Creator Monetization Standards, Allowing More Users to Earn Money from Content


  • Twitter has lowered the minimum follower requirement for eligible users to access monetization features from 10,000 to 500.
  • More Twitter users can now earn money from their content through features like Subscriptions, Super Follows, Ticketed Spaces, and Tip Jar.
  • Twitter plans to roll out monetization for all forms of content on the platform in the coming weeks, including video and audio.
  • Twitter's monetization programs are available in limited countries and users must meet certain eligibility and conduct standards to participate.

Twitter has done a major change to its creator monetization standards, lowering the minimum follower requirement from 10,000 to 500 for eligible users. This means that more Twitter users will be able to access features such as Subscriptions, Super Follows, Ticketed Spaces and Tip Jar, and earn money from their content on the platform.

Twitter has lowered the minimum follower requirement for eligible users to access monetization features from 10,000 to 500.

The move can be seen as part of Twitter's vision to become a more creator-friendly and diverse social media network, as stated by its new CEO Elon Musk back in November 2022. Twitter's monetization programs are currently available in a limited number of countries, and users who want to participate must meet certain eligibility and conduct standards, such as having a verified email address, a complete profile, and a good standing with Twitter's rules. Users must also connect a verified Stripe account to receive payments from their followers or sponsors.

More Twitter users can now earn money from their content

Twitter's monetization features are designed to help creators build loyal and engaged audiences, and offer them exclusive or premium content in exchange for a monthly or one-time fee. For example, Subscriptions allow creators to offer paid newsletters, podcasts, or access to private communities, while Super Follows let creators offer bonus tweets, fleets, or spaces to their supporters. Ticketed Spaces allow creators to host live audio conversations with a paid entry fee, and Tip Jar enables users to send tips to their favorite creators.

According to Twitter, these features are intended to empower creators to express themselves freely and authentically, and to reward them for their creativity and influence. Twitter also claims that it offers a competitive revenue share model for its monetization products, taking only a small percentage of the earnings after platform fees. The official Twitter page is not yet updated to reflect this change as it's still showing 10000 subscribers. An official announcement from Twitter should come very soon.

Twitter subscribers limit reduced for monetization

However, some critics have pointed out that Twitter's monetization standards are still too restrictive or vague for some creators, especially those who feature parody, fan or commentary accounts, or those who have been previously removed as advertisers or publishers on Twitter for violating its policies. Some users have also expressed concerns about the privacy and security of their personal and financial information when using Stripe or other third-party services.

Twitter has said that it is constantly working to improve its monetization products and policies, and that it welcomes feedback from its users and creators. It has also said that it plans to expand its monetization programs to more countries and regions in the future, and to introduce more tools and resources for creators to grow their audiences and businesses on Twitter.

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