Tweetstorms and Controversies: A Look at Elon Musk's Most Infamous Twitter Moments

Elon Musk is one of the most influential and controversial figures in the world of technology, business, and social media. He is the founder and CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, as well as the new owner of Twitter. His account is the most followed and has over 133 million followers on Twitter, where he often shares his opinions, ideas, jokes, memes, and announcements. However, not all of his tweets are well-received or harmless. Some of them have sparked outrage, criticism, lawsuits, fines, and even stock market crashes. Today, we will look at some of the most controversial tweets Elon Musk has ever sent till date.

Elon Musk Controversial Tweets

"Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured." (August 7, 2018)

Musk, now famously, tweeted this on August 7, 2018. It was all a weed joke — April 20, or 4/20, is a popular holiday for celebrating cannabis culture. The post led to a lawsuit from the SEC which accused him of securities fraud and misleading investors. Musk settled the case by paying a $20 million fine and agreeing to step down as Tesla's chairman for three years. He also had to get approval from Tesla's lawyers before tweeting about the company's finances or operations.

"FREE AMERICA NOW" (April 29, 2020)

Musk's response to the coronavirus lockdown was bizarre to say the least. He tweeted "FREE AMERICA NOW" in April 2020, echoing right-wing anti-lockdown sentiments. He also inaccurately predicted that there will be “probably close to zero new cases in the U.S., too, by end of April,” and attacked CNN for reporting on statements made by government officials saying hospitals had not received Tesla factory-made ventilators he had promised to deliver. He also defied local health orders by reopening his Tesla factory in California without permission, risking the safety of his workers and the public.

"We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it." (July 25, 2020)

Musk faced backlash for this tweet, which he posted in response to a critic who accused him of exploiting Bolivia's lithium resources for his electric vehicles. The tweet was seen as insensitive and arrogant, especially given the history of US-backed coups in Latin America. Many people accused Musk of being a neo-colonialist and a supporter of regime change. Musk later deleted the tweet and claimed it was a joke.

"In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican." (May 18, 2022)

Musk surprised many of his fans and followers with this tweet, which revealed his political leanings and preferences. The billionaire had long grumbled about the regulations he faced running his business in Democrat-held California, so it was no surprise when he moved Tesla to Texas last year. But coming out in support of the Republican Party, which for years has pushed for additional oil drilling while playing down or denying humanity's impact on climate, came as a shock to many and arguably began a slide in Tesla stock prices that continues to this day.

"Ukraine-Russia Peace: - Redo elections of annexed regions under UN supervision. Russia leaves if that is will of the people." (October 27, 2022)

Musk also saw Tesla's shares slump after he waded into the thorniest issue of all, opining on Russia's war in Ukraine. Even though Twitter's new owner is supplying free internet service to Ukrainian forces and civilians through his Starlink system, many saw a survey he ran as parroting Moscow's lines on the war. A British legislator accused Mr Musk of playing a “double game” in Ukraine and Ukrainian President responded Volodymyr Zelenskyy responded with a survey of his own, asking who people like more: one who supports Russia, or one who supports Ukraine.

These are just some examples of Elon Musk's most controversial tweets till date. There are many more that could be added to this list, such as his tweets about pedophilia accusations against a British diver who helped rescue Thai boys trapped in a cave; his tweets about artificial intelligence being more dangerous than nuclear weapons; his tweets about colonizing Mars and nuking its poles; his tweets about Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies; and his tweets about selling all his physical possessions and living off memes.

Elon Musk Tweets

Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary and a genius who has revolutionized multiple industries and inspired millions of people around the world. But he is also a human being who is prone to making mistakes, sometimes even controversial ones. Elon Musk's unfiltered and sometimes impulsive approach has resulted in some of the most infamous moments in tech history, with his tweets often making headlines for their polarizing and provocative nature. Despite this, many still admire his innovative spirit and willingness to take risks, as well as his efforts to tackle some of the world's biggest challenges, from sustainable energy to space exploration.

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