Hugging Face releases open source ChatGPT alternative, HuggingChat

Hugging Face, an AI startup supported by substantial venture capital, has introduced HuggingChat, an open-source substitute for OpenAI's renowned ChatGPT chatbot. HuggingChat is now accessible for testing through a web interface and integration with existing applications and services via Hugging Face's API. The objective of HuggingChat is to democratize conversational AI and increase its transparency and accountability.

Hugging Face releases open source ChatGPT alternative, HuggingChat

ChatGPT is a chatbot model developed by OpenAI, a research organization co-founded by Elon Musk and backed by Microsoft. It uses a large-scale neural network called GPT-3, which can generate natural language responses based on a given input. ChatGPT has been widely used for various applications, such as customer service, entertainment, education, and social media. However, ChatGPT is also controversial, as it is not open source and requires a license from OpenAI to use. Moreover, ChatGPT has been criticized for generating biased, offensive, or inaccurate responses, as well as for posing ethical and social risks.

HuggingChat is built off a Meta model modified by the nonprofit team that made Stable Diffusion’s dataset. Stable Diffusion is a large-scale dataset of human conversations collected from various sources, such as Reddit, Twitter, Wikipedia, and books. It was created by LAION, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing open and inclusive AI. Hugging Face collaborated with LAION to fine-tune the Meta model on the Stable Diffusion dataset and create HuggingChat.

Hugging Chat - Open source alternative to ChatGPT

According to Hugging Face, HuggingChat is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that offers several benefits. First, HuggingChat is more transparent and accountable, as it allows users to inspect the code and data behind the model, as well as to report and correct any issues or errors. Second, HuggingChat is more inclusive and diverse, as it uses a dataset that represents a wide range of topics, languages, cultures, and perspectives. Third, HuggingChat is more customizable and adaptable, as it enables users to plug in different models and datasets according to their needs and preferences.

Hugging Face also claims that HuggingChat is more than just a chatbot. It is an assistant of the future that can perform various tasks beyond chatting, such as writing emails and cover letters, using APIs, researching information dynamically, and more. Hugging Face envisions HuggingChat as a personalized and accessible assistant that can run efficiently on consumer hardware.

However, HuggingChat is not without limitations. Currently, the model is based on OpenAssistant's latest LLaMA, which cannot be used for commercial purposes due to Meta AI licensing issues. Moreover, HuggingChat does not have any user accounts or data storage features yet. Furthermore, HuggingChat may still generate inappropriate or inaccurate responses due to the limitations of the underlying model and dataset.

Hugging Face acknowledges these challenges and says that it is working on improving the interface and safety mechanisms of HuggingChat. It also plans to support more open source models that are constantly improving in quality and performance. Hugging Face's long-term goal is to expose all high-quality chat models from its Hub platform on HuggingChat.

Hugging Face is one of the leading players in open source AI development. It has created several popular tools and platforms for natural language processing (NLP), such as Transformers, Tokenizers, Datasets, Spaces, and Hub. It has also attracted over $100 million in funding from investors like Lux Capital, A.Capital Ventures, Betaworks Ventures, Richard Socher (former chief scientist at Salesforce), Marc Benioff (CEO of Salesforce), Naval Ravikant (co-founder of AngelList), Robby Walker (co-founder of Coda), Kevin Durant (NBA player), Daniel Dines (CEO of UiPath), and others.

Hugging Face's mission is to democratize NLP and make it accessible to everyone. With HuggingChat, it hopes to do the same for conversational AI and challenge the dominance of closed-source models like ChatGPT.

HuggingChat is available to try online at The source code is available at

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